Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Room

     The Room is a 2003 drama that was written, directed, produced, and starring Tommy Wiseau. The Room follows a love triangle between a banker, Tommy, , his fiancee,Lisa, and his best friend, Mark. The Room has some of the worst acting which is not helped by the fact that it is one of the worst written films with huge problems that arise and then are never addressed again. Lisa's mother randomly comes in one scene to talk to Lisa and says that she has breast cancer. This is never addressed again at all and just leaves the viewer confused and completely thrown. Other random events happen, like a drug dealer pulling a gun on Tommy's neighbor, and then never get addressed again.
     The entire film also seems to take place in about three locations, in the living room, in the bedroom, and on the roof of the apartment building. There are so many things that that seem to come up over and over. Wiseau seems to have an obsession with having his characters throwing a football around, and Tommy saying "oh hi" to everyone he sees. This might have to do with Wiseau's terrible acting but either way it is hilarious to watch. There are a number of other small things that you might notice in the film if you look close enough. There are a large amount of framed photos of spoons throughout the house. One thing that you cant avoid seeing are the long, drawn out sex scenes. These scenes are all accompanied by music that sounds like its from an adult video, but with worse acting, and are disturbing to watch for what seems like the whole length of each song.
     Despite, or perhaps because of all of this, The Room has developed one of the largest cult followings of any film in the last decade. Similar to the Rock Horror Picture Show, The Room is shown in theaters around the country and people interact with the film. Fans will throw plastic spoons at the screen every time a framed spoon can be seen as well as shouting along to some of the best lines. This has caused many to look closer at the film and some view it as a very important film.''It is one of the most important films of the past decade,'' says Ross Morin, an assistant professor of film studies at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. ''It exposes the fabricated nature of Hollywood. The Room is the Citizen Kane of bad movies.''(Clark). Although I don't see The Room as being quite this important, I do think that it is a great film to watch with a few friends and make fun of.

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